Construction Law Attorney Warsaw
We know where the risk lies and what provisions to pay special attention to – with us you can see the difference.
Construction law office in Warsaw – created exclusively by construction law lawyers. We specialize in legal services for construction companies and providing legal assistance to natural persons in lawsuits against developers. The office’s headquarters is in Warsaw. We provide legal assistance throughout the country. We conduct court disputes arising from construction contracts not only in Warsaw, but also before courts throughout Poland.
How can our team of construction law lawyers from Warsaw help you?
Legal services for construction companies in Poland
Our law firm’s main expertise is legal services for construction companies.
Entrepreneurs from the industry willingly use the help of our construction law lawyers. We supply with our services construction companies not only from the Warsaw area, but also from other parts of Poland. We engage with both large, small and micro construction companies that carry out investments throughout the country. We know the specific nature of the operation of construction companies and the associated risks that accompany them. In addition, we provide comprehensive legal services not only to contractors and subcontractors of construction works, but also to investors. Additionally, our construction law lawyers provide support in the construction process. From giving opinions on construction contracts, to pursuing in court receivables arising from the construction works contract. As a result, we create a closed group of specialists serving a limited portfolio of satisfied clients from the construction industry.
Legal assistance to natural persons in disputes with a construction company or developer
We provide assistance to individual clients in disputes with construction companies and developers. Our lawyers therefore provide legal assistance to people who are not professionals in the construction industry. We assist in court disputes arising from the exercise of rights under guarantee and warranty for construction defects. We also provide legal assistance to members of housing communities, especially in disputes against developers. Therefore, any entity that is not professional in the construction industry can benefit from the help of our construction law lawyers.
The construction law firm directs its assistance to:
- general contractors,
- subcontractors,
- investors,
- natural persons (being in a relationship or in a dispute with a developer or construction
What should you pay attention to when choosing a construction law firm from Poland?
A construction law lawyer is a specialist in his field. Currently, the legal services market is saturated with the number of lawyers who call themselves specialists. There are many such companies operating in Warsaw itself. A qualified lawyer or legal advisor should also be distinguished from consulting companies commonly operating on the market. Our construction law office provides constant access to a specialist – a lawyer who deals mainly with construction law on a daily basis. As a result, we provide access to an experienced lawyer both in representing construction companies and individuals in disputes with developers. Our lawyers have appeared many times on both sides of the dispute, which has given us vast experience within the industry. That is why we know what to pay attention to and where the risk lies. The Law Firm’s team consists exclusively of professional attorneys, i.e. construction law lawyers and legal advisors providing services to companies in the construction industry. We create a closed group of specialists focused on serving a limited portfolio of satisfied customers.
Why should you choose our law firm for construction law?
We have the necessary experience and knowledge.
We have provided assistance to several hundred clients in construction matters.
What can we do for you?
Representation in court disputes
Our construction law lawyers represent investors, contractors and subcontractors in pursuing monetary claims arising from construction contracts. Additionally, we represent our clients in proceedings related to the exercise of warranty rights for defects in construction works. Our clients also include individuals who are always assisted by a construction law lawyer on behalf of the Law Firm. These are natural persons whom we usually represent in court disputes against developers.
Preparing and reviewing construction contracts
Construction contracts, including general contracting contracts and subcontracting contracts, are reviewed by our lawyers. Firstly, we identify risks and danger arising from the content of the provisions contained in the construction contract and other contracts for the provision of services. The experience of our team of construction law lawyers primarily ensures safe and practical solutions in contracts concluded at every stage of investment implementation. Secondly, we prepare and review draft contracts concluded by investors, general contractors and subcontractors. Thirdly, we help clients negotiate construction contracts.
Preparing legal opinions on construction law
We prepare legal opinions for individuals, housing communities, investors, general contractors and subcontractors. First of all, the opinion is prepared by a construction law attorney and covers many aspects related to the broad field of construction law. Additionally, we provide opinions on matters relating to construction contracts. We are analysing the possibility of pursuing monetary claims in connection with defects in construction works. The lawyer will clarify any ambiguities arising from the application of construction, civil and economic law. Our opinions also concern the implementation of warranty rights and other aspects related to disputes against developers.
Real estate audit
We conduct legal examination of real estate. We analyse the legal status of real estate and, if necessary, regulate its legal status. Lawyers conduct a legal audit of real estate and, above all, inform about the risks associated with taking a particular course of action.
Individual legal advice in construction law
As a construction law firm, we provide individual legal advice on civil aspects of the construction process and performance of construction contracts. In addition, we advise individually in disputes against developers regarding the exercise of rights by premises’ owners in connection with defects in construction works.
The team of the Law Firm based in Warsaw is well-coordinated and experienced. Each case is carefully consulted and analysed. Our clients are represented exclusively by a construction law lawyer. If the nature of the case requires it, clients are represented at the hearing by more than one professional attorney at the same time.
Frequently asked questions regarding construction law
Does the valuation of legal assistance from a construction law lawyer oblige you to do anything?
The valuation of legal assistance services is free and does not oblige you to anything. Send us an e-mail with a description of the problem and documents related to your case. After estimating the necessary amount of work, we will send you clear information about the principles of cooperation with the Construction Law Firm. This way you will learn: the price of the service, the deadline for its completion and other terms of cooperation.
How much does a construction law lawyer’s help cost?
The estimated price list for legal assistance is available on our law firm’s website. The price for legal assistance in construction law depends on several factors. These include, among others: the type of legal service, the complexity of the case, the necessary workload of a construction lawyer and the number of documents needed to be analysed. Before you decide to cooperate with our law firm, you will be thoroughly informed about the amount of our fee.
How to get legal assistance in construction law as soon as possible?
Send us an email with a description of the problem and documentation. After understanding your goals and needs, we will send you feedback, including a quote for the service and a preliminary deadline for its completion. The law firm will determine how to conduct legal consultations – either stationary or remotely online. We will try to provide you with legal assistance as quickly as possible. After accepting the terms of cooperation and settling our fee, we will start working on your case.
What does a lawyer specializing in construction law do?
Broadly understood construction law is regulated by administrative and civil law. When looking for a good construction law lawyer, be guided by knowledge of the above within those mutually complementary branches of law. You should consider similar categories if you are looking for a lawyer to provide legal services to a construction company. However, when servicing a construction company, additional knowledge of business law is necessary. Providing proper legal assistance to a construction company requires knowledge of the three above-mentioned areas. In our Construction Law Firm, legal assistance is provided only by lawyers specializing in construction law. We have knowledge and experience in administrative, civil and economic law.
Is the valuation of legal assistance in construction law free of charge?
The valuation of legal services in construction law is free. Send us an e-mail with a description of the problem and documents related to your case. After estimating the necessary amount of our work, we will send you clear information about the principles of cooperation with our Construction Law
Firm. This way you will learn: the price of the service, the deadline for its completion and other terms of cooperation. Everything is done transparently, with no hidden additional costs.
Can you get advice on construction law without leaving home?
We also provide legal advice remotely (online). No software installation is required to conduct the consultation. Just click on the link that we will send to you after accepting our terms of cooperation. The link is sent directly to the e-mail address you provide a moment before the scheduled date of legal consultation.
Who will handle your case if you entrust it with us?
Each case is carefully consulted and analysed by a lawyer specializing in construction law. Clients of the Construction Law Firm are represented exclusively by attorneys. If your interests and the nature of the case so require, you may be represented by more than one professional attorney in court proceedings